Mike Smith  - Rhythm & Rhyme  


                                                     HEALTH WARNING        Poems can permanently alter the state of your mind.

But is my website up to date?

I'd like to answer "Yes"

In truth, I really should declare

"Yes - well more or less!"



Find out more about ...   Performances/Performance-Talks

(Different 'programmes' for different occasions)

Afternoons or Evenings

(Whatever works for you)

For more information/ bookings

01430 431488 // 07866 259826



... makes performances very affordable


£1 per person (min.£40), plus travel.

Ticketed events:

£2 per person (min.£60) + travel.


A Rhythmic Rhyming Entertainment

With a Laugh & a Song!





A range of performances and performance talks

for a range of occasions.


Please see 'Publications 1' for my new little publishing venture:




A higgledy-piggledy website

A higgledy-piggledy mind

A higgledy-piggledy Do It Yourself

Of a higgledy-piggledy kind

A Sort of Apology ...


Let me be clear -

I've room for more -
I don't exactly have

Bookings galore!
At which I hear

The nation cry:
"Judging by this ...
We can understand why!"

Mike Smith


Mike Smith Entertains - Again!


Friday, 28th February

2pm - 3pm

Methodist Church Hall, Hailgate

Howden, East Yorkshire

'Rhythmic Rhyming Entertainment -

With a Laugh & the Sing of a Song'

Mike Smith Entertains ....

Howden & District U3A Thursday, 27st February

A short slot' 10.30am'ish!

Shire Hall, Howden

Playing With Words ...


"For dressing down!” Ma shouted,

“You deserve a dressing down!

Dressing up, my dear, is simply -

NOT a dressing gown!”